Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry
Bible College

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on Christian Education
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry
Associate in Biblical Arts with emphasis on Christian Education
Associate in Biblical Arts with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry
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Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with Emphasis in Christian Education
1st Semester
BBSCE101 Spiritual Formation
BBSCE102 Church History II
BBSCE103 English
BBSCE104 Insights and Wisdom
BBSCE105 Basic Math & Biblical Math
2nd Semester - 1st Year
BBSCE106 Christology
BBSCE107 Exegesis
BBSCE108 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
BBSCE109 Kingdom Building II
BBSCE110 Jesus and His Parables
2nd Year 1st Semester
BBSCE111 Old Testament Survey
Ezra, Ester, Nehemiah, Haggai,
Zechariah, and Malachi
BBSCE112 New Testament Survey
John, Ephesians, and Jude
BBSCE113 The Life of Christ
BBSCE114 Hermeneutics
BBSCE115 The Life of Paul
2nd Year 2nd Semester
BBS116 Homiletics
BBS117 Women in the Bible
BBS118 Church Administration
BBS119 Biblical and Divine Healing
BBS120 New Testament use of the Old
3rd Year 1st Semester
BBSCE121 Formation of the Gospel of Jesus
BBSCE122 Eschatology
BBSCE123 Ultimate Leadership
BBSCE124 Christian Ethics
BBSCE125 Church Planting
3rd Year 2nd Semester
BBSCE126 Basic Doctrine
BBSCE127 Prayer II
BBSCE128 Evangelism & The Kingdom of
BBSCE129 Contemporary Issues in Church
BBSCE130 Spiritual Directions
4th Year 1st Semester
BBS131 The Book of Acts
BBS132 Hebrews
BBS133 Church Leadership & Conflict
BBS134 Major & Minor Prophets
BBS135 Colossians & Philemon
4th Year 2nd Semester
BBSCE136 The Tabernacle of Moses
BBSCE137 Contextualization
BBSCE138 Romans
BBSCE139 Covenants
BBSCE140 Revelations
Positioning, Proclaiming, & Progressing
When you earn your Bachelor in Biblical Studies from ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College, you’ll receive training to interpret and communicate scriptural truths effectively, wherever God calls you. You’ll use research methodologies to learn how to study the Bible and integrate historical, geographical, and cultural insights into your process of biblical interpretation.
You’ll graduate equipped to interpret and apply the Scriptures and serve effectively in ministry or the marketplace.
Earn your degree online (facilitator-driven) wherever you are and keep your current personal and ministry commitments!
Program Plan
As you study, you’ll:
Learn to interpret and teach the Bible confidently.
Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of key biblical and theological concepts.
Be trained to bring the message of Scripture to different audiences.
Develop skills in biblical interpretation and application.
Learn to apply Scripture to your life and ministry.
Program Purpose
The BBSCE degree program is designed to help students apply the Scriptures within contemporary life and ministry. As you study, you'll gain expertise and get support for your unique strengths.
The BBSFF is created for students who:
Want to pursue academic goals and keep commitments to family, work, and church while operating in the gifting of the Five-Fold Ministry.
Have a desire to be equipped to serve effectively in ministry or the marketplace by developing biblical thinking, interpretation, and application, all done with the Bible in your thoughts and mimicking the heart of Jesus.
Student Learning Outcomes:
After the BBSce or BBSFF you will be able to:
Apply research methodologies to identified topics related to biblical studies.
Communicate the message of the Scriptures to identified audiences.
Utilize historical geography and relevant ancient cultural contexts in the interpretation of the Old Testament and New Testament.
Create action plans to impact personal, familial, or ecclesiastical life through the interpretation of Scripture.
Implement a strategy for enhancing your spiritual life.

Your time at ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College will transform. The journey you will move into has first-rate training and spiritual growth that starts during our Introduction Welcome Week and lasts beyond graduation. In addition to providing a world-class Christian education, ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College can:
Help you apply Scripture to your life in new and meaningful ways.
Connect you to your calling.
Introduce you to relationships that will last a lifetime.
Help you discover the fullness of the Christian community.
Therefore, are you READY to take a step toward changing your life? Complete the information form on this page, and we’ll contact you about starting your journey with
ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College!

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
1st Year 1st Semester
BBSCE101 Spiritual Formation
Description: This course begins with your personal Spiritual Biography assessment. It will also include a study of spiritual disciplines and practices. The purpose of “spiritual disciplines” is the total transformation of the follower of Jesus, growing toward living life the way God intended. The Father’s love is one of the most foundational aspects of the Christian understanding to build a solid spiritual identity. This course will cover the Father’s love, the Son’s sacrifice, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. The foundational teachings of impartation, baptisms, and living the Spirit-filled life will be covered. A strong emphasis will be on the new identity and victorious life.
BBSCE102 Church History II
Description: This course introduces the history of Christianity from the time of Christ to the present. It explores how Christianity gave birth and shape to the institutions and teachings that have maintained its identity as a historical movement. Thus, the course will explain the emergence of prominent theological positions and branches. The course also assumes that God works through Christians' varied responses to and engagement with different socio-cultural, economic, intellectual, political, and religious contexts. Thus, it is a humble attempt to discern what God has done throughout the Church’s history.
BBSCE103 English
Description: The Fundamentals. Students develop language skills necessary to promote success in program courses and, ultimately, lead towards writing documents and academic papers when assignments are given. Students also achieve correctness and mastery in writing sentences appropriate to a college environment through the study of English language usage, grammar, mechanics, and style. Skills acquired in these areas enable students to demonstrate competence in composing, editing, and proofreading written messages.
BBSCE104 Insights and Wisdom
Description: For those who cherish Scripture, the quest for a deeper understanding of God's Word often intensifies over time. Engaging meaningfully with the text requires the right tools to uncover its intricate layers. Without attention to the nuances of genre, literary form, and symbolism, we risk missing the profound truths that lie within. Remember the words of King Solomon in Proverbs 8:11: “Nothing you desire can compare with wisdom.” This verse-by-verse study of Proverbs and other wisdom books illuminates the timeless wisdom offered by God for our daily lives. You'll explore major themes such as wisdom, foolishness, righteousness, laziness, companionship, wickedness, marriage, and parenting. This course will also delve into various elements that reveal the philosophies, aspirations, and characteristics essential for growing in wisdom, equipping you to recognize and apply these principles as seen in Scripture. Embark on this journey to enrich your understanding and experience transformative insights!
BBSCE105 Basic Math & Biblical Math
Description: This course will assist the student in applying basic fundamental concepts in arithmetic, including fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percentages, measurement, and geometric formulas.
Additionally, this course brings to the forefront that mathematics is woven throughout the Bible, presenting concepts that extend beyond mere numbers. We view ancient scriptures featuring various instances of mathematical principles that reveal insights into both spiritual and practical aspects of life.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian
2nd Semester
BBSCE106 Christology
Description: In this course, we will assist the student in understanding and affirming what the Bible says concerning the Person of Jesus Christ and who He is. This course will also help create awe and love for the person of Jesus Christ. This course is also designed to help understand what the Bible says concerning the Person of Jesus Christ. Particularly with how the divine and human co-exist in one person. To understand the significance of the doctrine of Christ and its impact on the believers in Christ.
BBSCE107 Exegesis
Description: How to Read the Bible and Interpret Scripture—In this course, students will learn to read Scripture clearly to apply its truths to life. The course will examine the different types of biblical literature, enabling students to interpret and understand what God is saying. The Bible, as God’s Word, has eternal relevance and speaks to everyone of every age and culture. Christians must learn to read, believe, and obey the Bible.
BBSCE108 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Description: This course will endeavor to bring a greater understanding and experience of the walk of a Christian believer in the spirit-filled life, witnessing not only the Gifts of the Holy Spirit but how they work theologically and practically.
BBSCE109 Kingdom Building II
Description: This course highlights the distinguishing qualities and characteristics of the Kingdom of God. It examines the principles necessary for effective and dynamic kingdom living. Students will be empowered to live effectively as standard bearers in their homes and communities. Understanding the Kingdom is a foundational course that will shift your paradigm. It will help you firmly establish a Kingdom worldview rooted in biblical truth. Believers are citizens of the Kingdom who possess dual citizenship. Mastery of both worlds requires an awareness of identity and a clear mandate for expression. In the course Understanding the Kingdom, we will focus on developing this knowledge by diving deeper
BBSCE110 Jesus and His Parables
Description: This course reviews and highlights in the Gospels two facts about Jesus’s life and ministry: his amazing deeds of healing and restoration and his teaching through parables. Though seemingly simple, these parables radically alter our understanding of reality. They reveal the kingdom, announce its advent, and paint a portrait of the Father whom Jesus loves and serves, drawing hearers into a new reality. We will examine the parables in Matthew and Luke in their Middle Eastern context and learn to hear Jesus’s voice in a new way.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
2nd Year 1st Semester
BBSCE111 Old Testament Survey –Ezra, Ester, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi deal with Israel’s restoration from exile.
Description: An emphasis is placed on their modern-day application. This course introduces the authorship and contents of the Old Testament mentioned above. Special attention will be given to these important persons, the places they lived, the culture and events, and key chapters in those books. Emphasis is placed upon gaining an overview of those cited Old Testament books through a survey of geographical and historical backgrounds in an overview study. Also, attention is given to the structure of each biblical book, significant interpretative problems, and major theological themes.
BBSCE112 New Testament Survey
Description: This course will analyze portions of John, Ephesians & Jude.
BBSCE13 The Life of Christ
Description: This course focuses on the Life of Christ in the four (4) synoptic Gospels. It explains and examines the four Gospels through a comparative analysis that reconstructs Jesus' life and ministry chronologically.
BBSCE114 Hermeneutics
Description: This course is designed to understand Hermeneutics, the science and art form of properly interpreting the Bible. Universally accepted laws of interpreting Scripture are explained in detail. Such laws include the law of context, the law of first mention, the cultural factor, the historical factor, and the language gap, just to name a few. Once we understand the rules that govern how to interpret the Scripture, we increase the chances of interpreting any given scripture correctly.
BBSCE115 The Life of Paul - “The Life of Paul” will give the student a background and overview of Paul the Apostle’s life and theology. The objective is to give the student a better understanding of the Pauline corpus. The study of I and II Corinthians, Galatians, and I and II Thessalonians focuses on the theological and practical aspects of these letters. We will not leave out the importance of Luke in the Life of Paul, therefore, as students and teachers of the Word, it is imperative to have a rich understanding of New Testament Theology as seen through the pen of this great Apostle, and his dear friend, Luke. ​​

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
2nd Year 2nd Semester
BBSCE116 Homiletics
Description: A study of principles relating to the technical preparation and delivery of sermons. The student is taught the proper process of building and utilizing outlines, texts, illustrations, word studies, background information, dramatic dialogues, and communicative techniques for effectively preaching the word of God.
BBSCE117 Women in the Bible
Description: This study includes a Biblical perspective of women’s role throughout history, in the church, and in active ministry. Men and women are called to understand, raise up, and empower the callings of the women around them. This course is designed to remove the glass ceiling and release women into the fullness of their calling.
BBSCE118 Church Administration
Description: A practical look at the pastor and Christian worker as administrators. The study includes management principles, organizational techniques, personnel usage and development, the evaluation process, programs, scheduling, finances, and office management.
BBSCE119 Biblical & Divine Healing
Description: The Gospels repeatedly describe the ministry of Jesus, stating that He “went about..., teaching..., preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people” (Matthew 4:23). In this course, the student will gain an understanding of ministering divine healing in all circumstances. The Lord desires to see every child of His, young and old, moving in the power of His Spirit, in the authority of Jesus’ name, doing the works of the Father so that people will know and experience the living Jesus in their lives. This course will also prepare the Believer for the power of God. This course will provide practical guidelines on how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through them to the sick and hurting. The student will learn with the use of Scriptures for which healing was presented by Christ and His followers (the disciples) what it took to heal and see miraculous healings. Finally, in this course, we will learn how Jesus healed, thus showing us the importance of the healing ministry and making us aware of what is available to a believer to minister in the supernatural.
BBSCE120 New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Description: This course teaches the student how to consider the issues raised by using the OT in the NT. Special attention is given to the hermeneutical presuppositions and exegetical methods employed by the NT writers as they appropriate the OT scriptures and to the theological implications that arise from their use.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
3rd Year 1st Semester
BBSCE121 Formation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Description: In this course the student will learn and discuss information about the development of the Gospels consisted of three stages: the first stage being the period of Jesus' life, the second stage being the period of Oral Tradition and the third stage being the period of the Evangelists.
BBSCE122 Eschatology
Description: A study of key issues related to eschatology such as heaven and hell, Israel, the church, the rapture, the tribulation, the millennium, the Book of Revelation, and Dispensationalism. The purpose of this course is to examine the doctrine of eschatology or “last things” as reflected in Scripture and developed in Christian theology. This study highlights how God will accomplish His purposes for the world and humanity through future events such as the rapture, tribulation, second coming, millennial kingdom, and eternal state.
BBSCE123 Ultimate Leadership
Description: Based on spiritual principles of leadership and character development, this course five-lesson course offers studies on Setting Boundaries, Identifying Travel Companions, Dealing with Toxic People, and more.
BBSCE124 Christian Ethics
Description: An ethic is defined as a set of moral principles or values - a theory or system of moral values. Ethics are principles of conduct, i.e., what is good, what is bad, etc.
BBSCE125 Church Planting
Description: This course explores the practical application of starting new churches that are centered on Jesus Christ, culturally relevant, share the gospel, make disciples, and continue to multiply new churches. Principles and practices discussed in this course can be applied by pastors and ministry leaders to help established congregations participate more effectively in Jesus’ mission and prepare to “re-plant”, i.e. relocate a congregation to more effectively participate in Jesus’ mission to a focus group or community.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
3rd Year 2nd Semester
BBSCE126 Basic Doctrine
Description: In this course, I systematically study the essential elements of biblical doctrine, including the doctrines of revelation, inspiration, God, the Holy Spirit, angels, Satan and demonology, man, sin, Christ, the atonement, and Heaven and Hell.
BBSCE127 Prayer II
Description: This course provides the theological aspect and practice of prayer. Also, this course will introduce the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically, and spiritually and help students understand and practice prayer. This will happen through the exploration of the experience of prayer in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as the history of the Church, with special emphasis on the prayer life of Jesus and the early church. It will also examine the place of prayer in both the life of the individual and the church community. The course is designed to impact the personal prayer life of the students. Expect a miracle!
BB128 Evangelism and the Kingdom of God
Description: The course is built around carefully analyzing the central evangelistic message preached by Jesus and the apostles. In this course, the student will examine the gospel of the Kingdom and how it was interpreted, preached, and demonstrated by Jesus and His followers, as well as the relevance of the message for today.
BBSCE129 Contemporary Issues in Church Development
Description: The importance of understanding and evaluating contemporary issues in church development will be explored in this course. The Holy Spirit crosses denominational boundaries as he builds the body of Christ. This course will examine the possibilities and problems associated with following the latest and greatest trends in the Christian community while remaining true to Scripture and open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
BBSCE130 Spiritual Directions
Description: This course explores the ministry and dynamics of spiritual direction. Topics include historical and theological foundations of spiritual direction. Attention will be given to understanding the principles involved in providing direction to someone who is in a crisis brought about by manifold life issues, i.e., marriage, family, depression, addiction, anxiety, etc. Students will learn how to enable a person in crisis to pay attention to God’s communication to him or her, to respond to this personal communication with God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of being in a relationship with God.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
4th Year 1st Semester
BBSCE131 The Book of Acts
Description: The Book of Acts shouts the excitement of an early Church alive with the mission to evangelize the world. The student relives the drama of apostolic leadership in the heat of the revival, persecution, and converting the multitudes. Practical keys to church growth are also analyzed throughout the course.
BBSCE132 Hebrews
Description: The study of the Book of Hebrews will attempt to answer the mysterious question of the book’s authorship. From there the course focuses on explaining each verse through each chapter, emphasizing the role of the New Testament priesthood, the supremacy and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with a collection of such themes as “Entering into God’s Rest” and “the Hebrews Hall of Faith.”
BBSCE133 Church Leadership and Government
Description: A study on Ephesians 4 and the Five-Fold Ministry explained their role in equipping Christ’s church.
BBSCE134 Major & Minor Prophet
Description: An analysis of biblical prophesies as expressed in the Major and Minor Prophets considering both natural and historical significance and their relevance today. Special attention is given to Messianic prophecies involving Christ and the Church, prophetic ministry, and the personal application of their timeless truths.
BBSCE135 Colossians & Philemon
Description: This class offers an in-depth study of Paul’s letters to the Colossians and to Philemon, exploring their meaning in the original context and their contemporary relevance.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies/Christian Education
4th Year 2nd Semester
BBSCE136 The Tabernacle of Moses
Description: A historical and theological study of both the Tabernacle of Moses and the Tabernacle of David.
BBSCE137 Contextualization
Description: This course provides an explanation and evaluates a variety of contextualization meanings, methods, and models from an evangelical perspective. It focuses on the study of the main principles that can be utilized to promote biblically faithful enculturation of the Gospel and the interaction between the Gospel and culture, the impact of the Gospel on culture, the role of culture in spreading the Gospel, and a biblical understanding for contextualization limits. This course will reinforce the need to utilize contextual methodology, which is scripturally sound and culturally viable, and contextualize the Gospel in ways that will contribute to the Great Commission worldwide. The main question that will be answered in this course is: How will the students of missions contextualize the gospel to best reach the people in that target culture?
BBSCE138 Romans
Description: One cannot fully appreciate salvation through Christ without understanding the Book of Romans. The course attempts to explain subjects such as justification, adoption, predestination, grace, and faith. The study also includes insights into God’s plan for Israel, the seven motivational gifts of ministry, and the circumstances surrounding the church at Rome.
BBSCE139 Covenants
Description: This course offers an in-depth study of the nine biblical covenants that God made with man,, with an emphasis on their progressive revelation of God's eternal purposes.
BBSCE140 Revelation—The return of Christ has been called our “blessed hope.” The Book of Revelation mysteriously prepares the way for that final event. The course attempts to clarify those predicted events yet to come as much as possible. When diverse interpretations occur, the strengths and weaknesses of each major view will be analyzed and evaluated.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with an emphasis on The Five-Fold Ministry
1st Year 1st Semester
BBSFF101 Spiritual Formation
BBSFF102 Jesus & His Parables
BBSFF103 Prayer II
BBSFF104 Basic Math & Biblical Math BBSFF105 English II
1st Year 2nd Semester
BBSFF106 Christology
BBSFF107 Church History II BBSFF108 Exegesis BBSFF109 Gifts of the Holy Spirit BBSFF110 Kingdom Building II
2nd Year 1st Semester
BBSFF111 Spiritual Warfare II
BBSFF112 Insights and Wisdom
BBSFF113 Biblical Mission and Thoughts
BBSFF114 Authority of the Believer
BBSFF115 Old Testament Survey
2nd Year 2nd Semester
BBSFF116 Homiletics
BBSFF117 Women in the Bible
BBSFF118 Church Administration
BBSFF119 Biblical & Divine Healing
BBSFF120 New Testament Use of the Old Testament
3rd Year 1st Semester
BBSFF 121 Foundation of the Gospel of Jesus
BBSFF 122 Eschatology
BBSFF 123 Ultimate Leadership
BBSFF 124 Christian Ethics
BBSFF 125 Church Planting
3rd Year 2nd Semester
BBSFF126 Basic Doctrine
BBSFF127 Angels and Demons
BBSFF128 Evangelism and Kingdom Building
BBSFF129 Contemporary Issues in Church Development
BBSFF130 Spiritual Direction
4th Year 1st Semester
BBSFF131 God's Love Revealed
BBSFF132 The Gifts and Calling of God
BBSFF133 Keys to Longevity in Ministry
BBSFF134 Biblical Counseling
BBSFF135 Jesus, the church, and Mental Illness
4th Year 2nd Semester
BBSFF136 Five-Fold Ministry and the New Testament Church
BBSFF137 The Calling of the Apostle
BBSFF138 The Calling of the Prophet/Prophetess
BBSFF139 The Calling of the Evangelist
BBSFF140 The Calling of the Pastor and Teacher
Bachelor of Artsin Biblical Studies with an emphasis on the
Five-Fold Ministry
When you earn your Bachelor in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry from ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College, you’ll receive training to interpret and communicate scriptural truths effectively, wherever God calls you. You’ll use research methodologies to learn how to study the Bible and integrate historical, geographical, and cultural insights into your process of biblical interpretation. In your last year of the program, you will be involved intensively - in the field with an approved program of study with your chosen mentor. Field education is central to this program. Through contextual learning in churches and organizations students practice the skills of ministry, discern God’s call on their life and vocation, and reflect theologically with an experienced supervisor. You’ll graduate equipped to interpret and apply the Scriptures and serve effectively in ministry or the marketplace.
The last semester of the 4th year of this degree focuses on and generates progression in the student's Field Contextual Education Study. It is Bible-based and consists of the training and development of the five offices described in Ephesians 4:11-12. The Field Study consists of five auxiliaries:
1) The Call of the Apostles;
2) The Call of The Prophets;
3) The Call of The Evangelists;
4) The Call of The Pastors, and
5) The Call of The Teachers.
Agreed upon by the Academic Field Education Advisors/Deans collaboration between the selected supervisor and the student will teach, train, report progress, and spiritually enhance the student's spiritual journey, anointing, and progression in their calling to be an apostle, prophet, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, maturing them for in Christ for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
"Theological education must have the practical experiences of field education to truly be a well-rounded and well-informed education. One approach to ministry that works in one setting may not be fruitful in the next. Our Triune God reveals that God is dynamic, fluid, and diverse. The same can be said for ministry and how we should approach ministry as an entire unit."
The Five-Fold Ministry which is the church government (how the church of Christ is operated using five individuals instead of one or two is based upon the ministry of men and women who have been divinely called and anointed with one of five ministry gifts listed in Eph 4:11. These gifts are given by Jesus Christ according to Ephesians 4:11 for the perfecting of the saints.
The church is expected to adapt towards those who possess such giftings and follow the concepts given to the leaders by the Holy Spirit, which is the third partner of the Triune Godheads.
For the church to experience New Testament results, it must recapture the New Testament pattern. The Five-Fold ministry is a demand for the church to be the Lord’s church in this age. Education is essential, but today, we need more than education or ambition within the Church’s government. The Church is absent of at least four (4) representatives of the Five-Fold Ministry and because of such, this gives the rise to ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College. To seek and fill those inadequacies. For the effective working of the church, He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11,12). All these ministries have specific roles in the edification of the church.
Jesus is the first apostle sent by God and He had all these five ministries in Himself. He chose the twelve disciples and they were anointed with the mantle of Five-Fold ministry. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift (Ephesians 4:7).

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five Fold Ministry
1st Year 1st Semester
BBSFF101 Spiritual Formation
This course begins with your display of your Spiritual Biography. Also, this course will include a study of spiritual disciplines and practices starting with the Early Church Fathers. The purpose of “spiritual disciplines” is the total transformation of the follower of Jesus, growing toward living life the way God intended. The Father’s love is one of the most foundational aspects of the Christian understanding to build a solid spiritual identity. This course will cover the Father’s love, the Son’s sacrifice, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. The foundational teachings of impartation, baptisms, and living the Spirit-filled life will be covered. A strong emphasis will be on the new identity and victorious life.
BBSFF102 Jesus & His Parables
This course reviews and highlights two facts about Jesus’s life and ministry in the Gospels: his amazing deeds of healing and restoration and his teaching through parables. Though seemingly simple, these parables radically alter our understanding of reality. They reveal the kingdom, announce its advent, and paint a portrait of the Father whom Jesus loves and serves, drawing hearers into a new reality. We will examine the parables in Matthew and Luke in their Middle Eastern context and learn to hear Jesus’s voice in a new way.
BBSFF103 Prayer II
Description: This course provides the theological aspect and practice of prayer. Also, this course will introduce the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically, and spiritually and help students understand and practice prayer. This will happen through the exploration of the experience of prayer in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as the history of the Church, with special emphasis on the prayer life of Jesus and the early church. It will also examine the place of prayer in both the life of the individual and the church community. The course is designed to impact the personal prayer life of the students. Expect a miracle!
BBSFF104 Basic Math & Biblical Math
This course will assist the student in applying basic fundamental concepts in arithmetic, including fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percent, measurement, and geometric formulas. Additionally, this course brings to the forefront that mathematics is woven throughout the Bible, presenting concepts that extend beyond mere numbers. We view ancient scriptures featuring various instances of mathematical principles that reveal insights into both spiritual and practical aspects of life.
BBSFF105 English
The Fundamentals – Students develop language skills necessary to promote success in program courses and, ultimately, lead towards writing documents and academic papers when assignments are given. Students also achieve correctness and mastery in writing sentences appropriate to a college environment through the study of English language usage, grammar, mechanics, and style. Skills acquired in these areas enable students to demonstrate competence in composing, editing, and proofreading written messages.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five Fold Ministry
1st Year 2nd Semester
BBSFF106 Christology
In this course, we will assist the student in understanding and affirming what the Bible says concerning the Person of Jesus Christ and who He is. This course will also help create in us an awe and love for the person of Jesus Christ. This course is also designed to help gain an understanding of what the Bible says concerning the Person of Jesus Christ. Particularly with how the divine and human co-exist in one person. To understand the significance of the doctrine of Christ and its impact on the believers in Christ.
BBSFF107 Church History II
In this course, the student will discover how nearly every major doctrine of the Church was established before the Reformation. In this course, learners discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.
BBSFF108 Exegesis - How to Read the Bible and Interpret Scripture
In this course, students will learn to read Scripture with clarity so that they can apply the truths of the Bible to life. This course will examine the different types of biblical literature, enabling students to interpret and understand what God is saying. The Bible, as God’s Word, has eternal relevance and speaks to everyone, of every age, and in every culture. Christians must learn to read, believe, and obey the Bible.
BBSFF109 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
This course will endeavor to bring a greater understanding and experience of the walk of a Christian believer in the spirit-filled life witnessing not only the Gifts of the Holy Spirit but how they work theologically as well as practical.
BBSFF110 Kingdom Building II
This course highlights the distinguishing qualities and characteristics of the Kingdom of God. It examines the principles necessary for effective and dynamic kingdom living. Students will be empowered to live effective lives as standard bearers in their homes and communities. Understanding the Kingdom is a foundational course that will shift your paradigm. It will help you firmly establish a Kingdom worldview rooted in biblical truth. Believers are citizens of the Kingdom who possess dual citizenship. Mastery of both worlds requires an awareness of identity and a clear mandate for expression. In the course Understanding the Kingdom, we will focus on developing this knowledge by diving deeper.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five Fold Ministry
2nd Year 1st Semester
BBSFF111 Spiritual Warfare I
This course is a balanced, biblical approach to theology and practices of confronting evil powers in ministry domestically and globally. Special topics such as spiritual warfare prayer, faith and spiritual authority, Christian identity, demonic opposition, and the role of spiritual warfare in making disciples will be examined in this course.
BSFF112 Insights and Wisdom
For those who cherish Scripture, the quest for a deeper understanding of God's Word often intensifies over time. Engaging meaningfully with the text requires the right tools to uncover its intricate layers. Without attention to the nuances of genre, literary form, and symbolism, we risk missing the profound truths that lie within. Remember the words of King Solomon in Proverbs 8:11: “Nothing you desire can compare with wisdom.” This verse-by-verse study of Proverbs and other wisdom books illuminates the timeless wisdom offered by God for our daily lives. You'll explore major themes such as wisdom, foolishness, righteousness, laziness, companionship, wickedness, marriage, and parenting. This course will also delve into various elements that reveal the philosophies, aspirations, and characteristics essential for growing in wisdom, equipping you to recognize and apply these principles as seen in Scripture. Embark on this journey to enrich your understanding and experience transformative insights!
BBSFF113 Biblical Thoughts of Missions
This course is meant to give the student a solid biblical foundation for the reasons and causes of missions. The student will study the fact that missions are presented throughout all of Scripture. In this class, the student’s current understanding of missions will be broadened and challenged. The student will be able to articulate clearly God’s perspective on missions and as a result, will develop a passionate heart for missions. This class will take the student on a journey from the Old Testament into the New Testament following the thread and motif of missions in the Scriptures.
BBSFF114 Authority of the Believer
The God-ordained, creative authority given to every believer is examined in scripture. Special attention will be paid to Jesus’ work in re-establishing mankind through the power of His blood and His name, destroying the power of the curse and returning the power of creativity and authority to mankind. This course will share the truths of God’s Word concerning the power now made available to each believer for living every moment established in authority and free from the curse.
BBSFF115 Old Testament Survey
Ezra, Ester, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi deal with Israel’s restoration from exile. An emphasis is placed on modern-day applications. This course is also an introduction to the authorship and contents of the Old Testament Books mentioned above. Special attention will be given to these important persons, the places they lived, the culture and events, as well as to key chapters in those books. Finally, emphasis is placed upon gaining an overview of those cited Old Testament books through a survey of geographical and historical backgrounds in his overview study with highlights of the structure of each biblical book, significant interpretative problems, and major theological themes.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five Fold Ministry
2nd Year 2nd Semester
BBFF116 New Testament Survey
Analyzing portions of the Book of John, Galatians & Jude. Designed to lead the student to read and review those books stated above in the New Testament itself with concrete analysis captured from the in-depth study of those books. This course in New Testament Survey provides essential historical and cultural background information and carefully examines the content of each book in its entirety with a 21st century viewpoint. This course emphasizes the aforementioned New Testament books to give the student knowledge about how and why those three books of the New Testament came to be included in the biblical canon. Additionally, this course will give the student essential historical and cultural background information on day-to-day life in New Testament times. It will inform understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus as presented, with insights into the content of each book in the New Testament—from the John’s gospel, to Galatians, and then ending with Jude giving confidence in your growing knowledge through personalized review sessions, unit assessments, and award-winning memory building tools.
BBFF117 The Life of Christ
This course horns in on the Life of Christ in the four (4) synoptic Gospels. It explains and examines the four Gospels through a comparative analysis that reconstructs Jesus’ life and ministry in chronological order.
BBFF118 Hermeneutics
This course is designed for the understanding of what Hermeneutics is which is the science and artform of how to properly interpret the Bible. Universally accepted laws of interpreting Scripture are explained in detail. Such laws include: the law of context, the law of first mention, the cultural factor, the historical factor, the language gap, just to name a few.
BBFF119 Homiletics
A study of principles relating to the technical preparation and delivery of sermons. The student is taught the proper process of building and utilizing outlines, texts, illustrations, word studies, background information, dramatic dialogues, and communicative techniques for effectively preaching the word of God.
BBFF120 Women in the Bible
This course of study includes a Biblical perspective of women’s role throughout history, in the church, and in active ministry. Men and women are called to understand, raise up, and empower the callings of the women around them. This course is designed to remove the glass ceiling and release women into the fullness of their calling.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five Fold Ministry
Third Year – 1st Semester
BBFF121 Church Administration
This is a practical look at the pastor and Christian workers as administrators. The study includes management principles, organizational techniques, personnel usage and development, the evaluation process, programs, scheduling, finances, and office management.
BBFF122 Biblical & Divine Healing
The Gospels repeatedly describe the ministry of Jesus, stating that He “went about..., teaching..., preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people” (Matthew 4:23). In this course, the student will gain an understanding of ministering divine healing in all circumstances. The Lord desires to see every child of His, young and old, moving in the power of His Spirit, in the authority of Jesus’ name, doing the works of the Father so that people will know and experience the living Jesus in their lives. This course will also prepare the student who is a Believer in the power of God. This course will provide practical guidelines on ministering with the Holy Spirit and allowing His power to flow through them to the sick and hurting. The student will learn with the use of Scriptures for which Christ and His followers (the disciples) presented healing and what it took to heal and see miraculous healings. Finally, in this course, the student will learn how Jesus healed, thus showing us the importance of the healing ministry. It will also make the student aware of what is available to a believer to minister in the supernatural.
BBFF123 Contextualization
This course explains and evaluates a variety of contextualization meanings, methods, and models from an evangelical perspective. It focuses on the study of the main principles that can be utilized to promote biblically faithful enculturation of the Gospel and the interaction between the Gospel and culture, the impact of the Gospel on culture, the role of culture in spreading the Gospel, and a biblical understanding for contextualization limits. This course will reinforce the need to utilize contextual methodology, which is scripturally sound and culturally viable, and contextualize the Gospel in ways that will contribute to the Great Commission worldwide. The main question that will be answered in this course is: How will the students of missions contextualize the gospel to best reach the people in that target culture?
BBFF124 Ultimate Leadership I
This course is based on spiritual principles of leadership and character development.
BBFF125 Eschatology
This course studies key issues related to eschatology, such as heaven and hell, Israel, the church, the rapture, the tribulation, the millennium, the Book of Revelation, and Dispensationalism. This course aims to examine the doctrine of eschatology or “last things” as reflected in Scripture and developed in Christian theology. This study highlights how God will accomplish His purposes for the world and humanity through future events such as the rapture, tribulation, second coming, millennial kingdom, and eternal state.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry
Third Year – 2nd Semester (BBFFM)
BBFF126 Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
This course engages the student in learning how to develop organizational communication, which is a powerful tool for either construction or destruction. In this course, learners discover biblical principles of interpersonal communication and conflict management in human relationships.
BBFF127 Angels and Demons
This course dives into studying several representations of Angels and their duties. It also presents the discovery of demonic forces in the Bible, their leader, and their positions and characteristic behaviors in the World.
BBFF128 A History of the Charismatic Movements
This course sets your foot high in understanding the start of Charismatic theology, which is more than just a theology of spiritual gifts; it contains information on worship, bibliology, sanctification, and ecclesiology, which are all central to the charismatic movement. Learners will complete a historical and theological study of the origins and developments of Classical Pentecostalism, Charismatic Renewals’, and Restoration Movements, emphasizing theological backgrounds and trends.
BBFF129 Studies in the Book of James – This course was written to encourage those facing trials. This course riches discusses and highlights to its height what Christ taught to His followers through the eyes of James, who gave a rich message that has, for some time, when read and applied, stimulated how biblically to handle issues of life. Students begin with an overview of other epistles, such as the epistles of Paul in general, before examining the historical background to the epistle of James.
BBFF130 Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament
Have you ever wondered why the New Testament gives so much attention to the Kingdom of God or how this central theme relates to the New Covenant in Christ? This course explores these two fundamental features of the New Testament by examining where they originated and what they mean for us today.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with the emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry
Fourth Year 1st Semester (BAFF)
BAFF131 God’s Love Revealed
This course elaborates on Christ’s love for uses through His Father, the Creator of the World. It entails God’s plan for Christ in developing the Five-Fold Ministry for the perfection of His word to those who follow him as leaders.
BAFF132 The Gifts and Calling of God
This course assists the student in identifying and explaining their spiritual gifts, ministerial callings, and place in ministry.
BAFF133 Keys to Longevity in Ministry
A course that teaches about the life of powerful men and women of God who changed lives and left a legacy through their ministry. The course covers why they succeeded and why some failed. The purpose of the course is to teach about balance in ministry and how to endure to the end and leave a good legacy to the glory of God.
BAFF134 Biblical Counseling
This course is not to give any credit towards a counseling degree but does cover all manner of counseling from a biblical perspective. Examples are;
addictions, and much more.
BAFF135 Jesus, the church, and mental illness.
The purpose of this course is not to diagnose or treat mental conditions but to understand them from a Christlike perspective. In this course, the student will discuss if the Scriptures are relevant to the church’s pursuit to care for those with mental illnesses or mental health challenges. But Scripture does provide wisdom, guidance, and challenges for all questions of human existence, and this includes the problem of mental illness. Finally, this course addresses biblical and theological resources for how the church should think and act concerning mental illness. Specifically, a thought experiment centered around Luke/Acts asks the question: What does the witness of Jesus and the early church have to say about how the church engages people challenged with mental health illness?
1st Year 1st Semester
ABSCE101 Spiritual Formation
ABSCE102 The integrity of God’s Word
ABSCE103 Why we study the Bible?
ABSCE104 Foundation of Faith
ABSCE105 English
1st Year 2nd Semester (ABSCE)
ABSCE106 Principles of Healing
ABSCE107 Prayer
ABSCE108 Math - The Christians Teaching on Mathematics
ABSCE109 New Testament Survey 1
ABSCE110 Preparation for Ministry
2nd Year 1st Semester (ABSCE)
ABSCE111 The Ministry of Jesus (Part 1)
ABSCE112 The Fruits of the Spirit
ABSCE113 Old Testament Survey I
ABSCE114 Women in the Bible
ABSCE115 Kingdom Building I
2nd Year 2nd Semester (ABSCE)
ABSCE116 Developing Spiritual Maturity
ABSCE117 - General Epistles
ABSCE118 - Introduction to Church Planting
ABSCE119 – Old Testament Survey II
ABSCE120 – Study
Associate in Biblical Studies with a
concentration on the Five-Fold Ministry
Credit Hours: 60
1st Year 1st Semester
ABSFF101 Identifying your calling in the Five-Fold
Ministry (Ministry Assessment Testing) &
Your Spiritual Autobiography
ABSFF102 - The integrity of God’s Word
ABSFF103 - Foundation of Faith
ABSFF104 - Developing Spiritual Maturity
ABSFF105 - English
1st Year 2nd Semester (ABSFF)
ABSFF106 - Old Testament Survey
ABSFF107 - Prayer
ABSFF108 - Basic Math and Biblical Math
ABSFF109 – The Book of Acts
ABSFF110 – Ephesians
2nd Year 1st Semester (ABSFF)
ABSFF111 – Introduction to the Five-Fold Ministry
ABSFF112 - Biblical analysis of The Anointing of the Apostle & Prophet
ABSFF13 - Old Testament Survey II
ABSFF114 - Kingdom Building 1
ABSFF115 - Introduction to Church Planting
2nd Year 2nd Semester (ABSFF)
ABSFF116 - The role of the Evangelist
ABSFF117 - The preparation of the Pastor and Teacher
ABSFF118—Preparation for Ministry I
ABSFF119 – Blueprint of Christ’s Church
ABSFF120 - Introduction to Hermeneutics
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry
Fourth Year – 2nd Semester (BAFFM)
BAFF136 Five-Fold Ministries of the New Testament Church
This course affirms and gives proof of why there must be a new development within the church using the positions given in Ephesians 4:11-13 of five individuals who represent all facets of leadership for the “perfecting of the saints” for the ministry of Christ. According to the Bible to win the End-Time Battle of the Age, the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers must, of necessity, be in position and fully functioning in the Church. This is a course that will help the student understand the call to enter into the Five-Fold Ministries and also understand the Positioning of the Five-Fold Ministries in the End-Time New Testament Church.
BAFF137 The calling of an Apostle
I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not and have found them liars. (Revelation 2:2) This passage tells us: 1) there were true apostles at the time of the writing, and 2) there were false apostles (we should discern the difference). This course studies three different kinds of apostles and sends them to territories with seasoned Apostles represented today to perform their work and calling in a local ministry. This course also demonstrates that there were three different types of apostles:
The twelve are the “Apostles of the Lamb” — Revelation 21:14 (they walked with Jesus and their names will be in the gates in the New Jerusalem. There are no more of these. Was Paul an Apostle of the Lamb? Or a prototype of present-day apostles (an example to be repeated)? Or a hybrid (see below)
Present-day apostles – Ephesians 4:11 – gifted men that are given to the church by Jesus to equip the saints and bring the body of Christ to maturity (in cooperation with the other five-fold ministers). After the resurrection, and after the ascension, Jesus gave these gifted men to the church. Apostles are given to the church the church is not given to the apostle. This was an office recognized by the early church. (2 Cor 8 – the apostles of the churches – sent from the churches)
People who hold the title of “apostle” because of a particular hierarchical order in a denomination (they may or may not function as or be called by God as an Apostle).
Identification of those who have been called to the apostle ministry will work under a seasoned apostle (in the field) during this period. Acknowledging such gifting will be discussed with your facilitator.
BAFF138 The Calling of a Prophet/Prophetess
In this course, the student will learn how to distinguish between a false prophet and a true prophet. The student will examine different prophets in the Old and New Testament and identify their calling as a Christ-given assignment and not an assignment of their own. A prophet’s role will be identified by those prophets, good and bad, in the Holy Bible, and also the student will be given general knowledge of a prophet’s unique messages, which are tailored after knowing and witnessing the specific needs of whether why are related to individuals, geographic locations, demographic locations, demographic or groups, entities, nations, or Kingdoms, etc.
Identifying those called to the prophet’s ministry will work under a seasoned prophet in field study during this period. Acknowledging such gifting will be discussed with your facilitator.
BAFF139 The Calling of an Evangelist
This course is rich with specialized teaching and practical application for those who are specifically called to be evangelists. The student will learn how to communicate the Gospel message whether it is to masses of people, your community, or to your next-door neighbor.
This course is also designed around specific evangelists who were used by Christ to bring individuals into the Kingdom. Paul teaches in Ephesians 4:11 that the evangelist plays a vital role in the building up of the Church. All of the Five-Fold ministry gifts are needed in the body of Christ–including the evangelist. The Church is desperately in need of more people who will boldly proclaim the Gospel and equip others to share their faith. A global harvest of souls is waiting, and it is time for evangelists to rise up.
Identification: those called to the evangelist ministry will work under a seasoned evangelist (in the field) during this period. Acknowledging such gifting will be discussed with your facilitator.
BAFF140 The Calling of a Pastor or Teacher
In this course, the student called to be a pastor or teacher will notably understand and define their calling as a modern-day pastor or teacher’s ministry utilizing timeless and unchanging biblical principles, thereby providing a guide that pastors or teachers can utilize in fulfilling their God-given responsibilities. This course discusses, outlines, and synthesizes the calling, character, and competencies of the twenty-first-century pastor. Directives related to calling and character are examined, and examples are provided, primarily from biblical and historical research.
Identification: those who have been called to the pastor or teacher ministry will work under a seasoned pastor or teacher (in the field) during this period. Acknowledging such gifting will be discussed with your facilitator.

ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College Biblical Studies Associate Degree is a two-year degree program that will provide you with a foundation for various ministry and mission positions, social service, or personal spiritual development. The curriculum emphasizes Christian values as part of every course. A key focus is spiritual formation — developing a Christ-centered character with a Christian worldview that is visible through servanthood to God and others.
The Associate degree programs are designed to equip you for a lifetime of effective ministry. You can learn to effectively engage the questions, doubts, and skepticism of unbelievers and respond intellectually and persuasively. In this program, you can also learn how to apply Scripture to pastoral preaching, counseling, and devotional practice. You will have the opportunity to complete a portfolio or thesis.
In the Associate's Biblical Studies with emphasis on Christian Education and the Associate's in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry programs, you will learn the basic doctrines of the Christian faith and beliefs, including revelation, the Trinity, creation, reconciliation, and the church through Bible study. You will explore both the Old and New Testaments, specifically, the interpretation and provenance of the Old Testament, and the examination of the content, message, and significance of the New Testament. Plus, you'll study an overview of biblical parables and miracles of Jesus Christ, learning about research tools to study those and other biblical texts and scripture.
Additionally in these programs, you explore the Bible in vivid detail, learning more and more about each character and the role they played in God’s story of redemption and love and you are challenged to think critically and analytically about who God is — and who you are — as we equip you to fulfill your calling to glorify God and be a blessing to the world.
What can you do with an Associate in Biblical Studies degree?
The Associate degree in Biblical Studies with emphasis on Christian Education as well as the Associate degree in Biblical Studies with emphasis on The Five-Fold Ministry prepares you for various ministry positions, working in missions, and social service opportunities. The degree also helps you with your spiritual formation, biblical interpretation and discipleship, and a solid general education foundation, including critical thinking, which can better prepare you to serve in any environment.
In addition, the Associate of Biblical Studies degrees provide a foundation for further career advancement if you plan on pursuing higher education in a bachelor's program. Pursuing ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies with emphasis on Christian Education or Bachelor in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry after your Associate degree completion may allow all 60 credit hours from your AFFMBC Associate's in Biblical Studies to be applied to our Bachelor in Biblical Studies with emphasis on Christian Education or Bachelor in Biblical Studies with the emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry.
Flexible options and benefits for adult learners
The 100% (ZOOM) facilitator-driven program is specially designed for adult students who are busy with part-time or full-time work and family commitments.
Small class sizes encourage individualized learning and networking.
Students have direct access to the facilitator who are also professionals in the field.
1st Year 1st Semester
ABSCE101 Spiritual Formation
Description: Your spiritual biography is the history of your spiritual connection with Christ, which includes when you were saved and the history and family background of your Christian experience. It is simply a story of your life and how God has been present. It can include your journey in and out of organized religion and all things spiritual. Writing your Spiritual Autobiography is an opportunity to identify specific experiences of God and to reflect on how those experiences have impacted you. It’s the story of your journey with God.
ABSCE102 - The integrity of God’s Word.
Description. (Knowing that the Bible is God-inspired and trustworthy above all else and that it is a work authored to effect change in fallen man is essential. In this study, you will discover that “in the beginning, was the Word” (John 1:1) and how that word predicted events thousands of years before they took place.)
ABSCE103 - Why do we study the Bible?
Description: (The reasons are infinite, but it suffices to say that only when you discover the purpose of a thing do you recognize its value and potential to elevate your life. God has a plan for each of us, and He must get us ready for the plan and the tools of His trade. The WORD).
ABSCE104 - Foundation of Faith
​Description. (God is not moved by our needs, only by faith. Faith in Christ and His Word for life, health, and eternity only come one way, and in this module, you will learn not only how it comes but how to use it to live the God kind of life.)
ABSCE105 - English
Description -This course has been designed to give you the fundamental knowledge you will need to be successful in passing a college-level English course. The course will also assist you in achieving communicative competency, sentence structure, etc. The student will work to improve their reading habits, writing fluency, and basic grammatical skills while also focusing on grade-level curriculum.
1st Year 2nd Semester
​ABSCE106 - Principles of Healing
Description: (Discover the principles of healing and how healing works through the Holy Spirit).
ABSCE107 Prayer
Description. (There are many different types of prayers spoken of in God’s Word. Students will explore the basics of Christian prayer. Each session is an experience of prayer, course content, faith sharing, and large/small group discussion so that students can apply the teachings to their life and ministry.
The PURPOSE OF THE COURSE is fivefold:
1. To examine the teaching of the Scriptures on the subject of prayer.
2. To meet God together in prayer.
3. To see the absolute necessity of a vital prayer experience in the life of the man/woman of God and of the Bride of Christ.
4. To foster a sense of the urgency of prayer.
5. To provide practical guidance in fostering a consistent and effective prayer life in the local church.
ABSFF108 – Basic Math &Biblical Math
This course will assist the student in applying basic fundamental concepts in arithmetic, including fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percent, measurement, and geometric formulas. Additionally, this course brings to the forefront that mathematics is woven throughout the Bible, presenting concepts that extend beyond mere numbers. We view ancient scriptures featuring various instances of mathematical principles that reveal insights into both spiritual and practical aspects of life.
ABSCE109 - New Testament Survey I
Description: This course examines the Gospels and relates them and their selective views of Christ and the culture in which they lived.
ABSCE110 - Preparation for Ministry
Description: This course equips ministers with the skills needed to minister effectively. Ministers have a variety of options available to increase and improve their ministry skill set which the basics are included in this course, i.e., examples to create a mock ministry that can be applied to for any denomination.
2nd Year 1st Semester
ABSCE111 – The Ministry of Jesus (Part 1) Description. (Why did Jesus come, and what did this unassuming, gentle, and amazing man from Galilee achieve that to this day would cause the world to talk about Him so? As we study His earthly ministry as closely as possible this month, we cannot help but discover who we are in Christ. The effects of His brief life on earth rendered the “god of the world,” who is Satan, powerless.
ABSCE112-The Fruits of the Spirit
Description: (Have you ever noticed an apple tree straining to produce apples? No, it happens naturally because the tree is rooted in the fertile ground. Many Christians are struggling to produce fruit when all we need to do is ensure that we are rooted in the soil of God’s love, and the fruit will appear naturally. The nine fruits are identified and cultivated in this module.)
ABSCE113 - Old Testament Survey I
Description: This course offers a selective introduction to central themes and texts of the Old Testament, with a focus on the Pentateuch.
ABSCE114 - Women in the Bible
Description: A study on women who help shape the Bible in the Old and New Testament.
ABSCE115 - Kingdom Building 1
Description: This course focuses on what Kingdom Building is and the importunacy of such for God’s Kingdom. It looks and teaches its principles and Kingdom Builder’s characteristics. This module is dedicated to moving us from sin consciousness to God consciousness and how to assist others under leadership guidance.​​
2nd Year 2nd Semester
ABSCE116 – Developing Spiritual Maturity Growth is not automatic. We must eat and drink to grow. Likewise, our spiritual man needs to be fed to grow, not in size though but rather in stature. There are few things as annoying as an adult who conducts himself like an adolescent. Likewise, it’s high time that we as Christians “grow up.” This module teaches us how to grow in a simple manner using the Word of God as our guide.
ABSCE117 - The Ministry of Jesus Part 2 - Women in Jesus’ Ministry.
Description: This course will give knowledge of how Jesus’ relationship with women proved to be important and vital in His ministry. It’s incredibly difficult to understand how liberating the gospel was for women. Reading it through our modern lens makes it hard to recognize the scandalous ways that Jesus revolutionized how women were treated. In this course, you will study Jesus’ relationship with His mother, Mary, Mary Madelene, the Samaritan woman, the woman with a “bleeding” issue, and several others.
ABSCE118 - Introduction to Church Planting
Description: The Introduction to Church Planting course is both theological and practical. Students will explore the nature of church planting locally and the requirements. Biblical, theological, historical, and practical reasons for church planting will be considered, and some of the models being used today will be discussed.
ABSCE119 -Old Testament Survey II
This course focuses on the Prophets and Writings in the Old Testament.

ABSCE120 – The Ministry of Jesus (Part 2) - Jesus' relationship with women in His Ministry.
Description: This course will concentrate on how Jesus felt about women in ministry and also focus on the key women in the New Testament, such as Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Madelene, the woman caught in adultery, etc.

Why pursue an Associate's degree in the
Five-Fold Ministry?
Establish yourself as a leader who has been called to lead the people of God. This is the initial step in developing your calling into the Five-Fold Ministry and beyond.
Designed for those seeking to advance their understanding of who Christ is and who you have been chosen by him in his ministry according to Ephesians 4:11-16. Pursuing an Associate in Biblical Studies with emphasis on the Five-Fold Ministry (ABSFF) degree at ARIZE Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry and Bible College is a rewarding choice. Our comprehensive program equips students with a deep understanding of the Bible, practical ministry skills, your God-Given role in the Five-Fold Ministry, and a solid foundation for personal and professional growth.
Through engaging coursework and hands-on application with a facilitator guiding them throughout, students explore biblical interpretation, Christian ethics, church history, effective ministry, and theology. This degree encourages personal spiritual growth, enabling students to integrate their faith into all aspects of life. Practical ministry skills are emphasized, with hands-on experiences and discussions focused on impacting your community.
Our online courses foster a vibrant atmosphere for discussions, spiritual growth, and community structure.

1st Year 1st Semester
ABSFF101 - Spiritual Formation
ABSFF102 - The Integrity of God
ABSFF103 - Foundations of Faith
ABSFF104 - Basic Math and Biblical Math
ABSFF105 - English
1st Year 2nd Semester
ABSFF106 - Old Testament Survey 1
ABSFF107 - Prayer
ABSFF108 - Developing Spiritual Maturity
ABSFF109 - The Book of Acts
ABSFF110 - The Book of Ephesians
2nd Year 1st Semester
ABSFF111 - Introduction to the Five-Fold Ministry
ABSFF112 - Biblical analysis of the Anointing of the Apostle & Prophet
ABSFF113 - Old Testament Survey II
ABSFF114 - Kingdom Building I
ABSFF115 - Introduction to Church Planting
2nd Year 2nd Semester
ABSFF116 - The role of the Evangelist
ABSFF117 - The preparation of the Pastor and Teacher
ABSFF118 - Blueprint of Christ's Church
ABSFF119 - Preparation for Ministry I
ABSFF120 - Introduction to Hermeneutics
1st year 1st semester
ABSFF101 - Spiritual Formation
Description: Your Spiritual Biography is your history of your spiritual connection with Christ which includes when you were saved, the history and family background of your Christian experience. It simply is a story of your own life and how God has been present in it. It can include your journey in, and out of, organized religion and all things spiritual. Writing your Spiritual Autobiography is an opportunity to identify specific experiences of God and to reflect on how those experiences have impacted you. It’s basically the story of your personal journey with God. (Your Spiritual Autobiography should be typed)
ABSFF102 - The integrity of God’s Word
Description: (Knowing that the Bible is God inspired, trustworthy above all else and a work authored to effect change in fallen man is essential. In this study, you will discover that “in the beginning, was the Word” (John 1:1) and how that word predicted events thousands of years before they took place.)
ABSFF103 - Foundation of Faith
Description (God is not moved by our needs, only by faith. Faith in Christ and His Word for life, health, and eternity only come one way, and in this module, you will learn not only how it comes but how to use it to live the God kind of life.)
​ABSFF104 -Basic Math and Biblical Math
This course will assist the student in applying basic fundamental concepts in arithmetic, including fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percent, measurement, and geometric formulas. Additionally, this course brings to the forefront that mathematics is woven throughout the Bible, presenting concepts that extend beyond mere numbers. We view ancient scriptures featuring various instances of mathematical principles that reveal insights into both spiritual and practical aspects of life.
ABSFF105 –English
Description -This course has been designed to give you the fundamental knowledge you will need to be successful in passing a college level English course. The course will also assist you in achieving communicative competency, sentence structure, etc. The student will work to improve their reading habits, writing fluency, and basic grammatical skills while also focusing on grade level curriculum.
1st year 2nd semester
ABSFF106 - Old Testament Survey I
A survey of the Old Testament through the Book of II Samuel.
ABSFF107 -Prayer
Description. (There are many different types of prayers spoken of in God’s Word.
Students will explore the basics of Christian prayer. Each session is an experience of prayer, course content, faith sharing, and large/small group discussion so that students can apply the teachings to their life and ministry.
The PURPOSE OF THE COURSE is fivefold:
1. To examine the teaching of the Scriptures on the subject of prayer.
2. To meet God together in prayer.
3. To see the absolute necessity of a vital prayer experience in the life of the man/woman of God and of the Bride of Christ.
4. To foster a sense of the urgency of prayer.
5. To provide practical guidance in fostering a consistent and effective prayer life in the local church.
ABSFF108 – Developing Spiritual Maturity
Description. (Growth is not automatic. We must eat and drink to grow. Likewise, our spiritual man needs to be fed to grow, not in size though but rather in stature. There are few things as annoying as an adult who conducts himself like an adolescent. Likewise, it’s high time that we as Christians “grow up.” This module teaches us how to grow in a simple manner using the Word of God as our guide.)
ABSFF109 – The Book of Acts
An insightful look at Acts which will walk the student through the early church describing their initial struggles as well as their successes for the Kingdom of God.
ABSFF110 – Ephesians
A practical study of the first four chapters of Paul’s letter to the Church at Ephesus with emphasis on practical, spiritual application for leader’s and the Five-Fold Ministry acknowledgement.
2nd Year 2nd semester
ABSFF111 – Introduction to the Five-Fold Ministry
An Introduction and understanding of the gifting of the ministry Christ left to operate the church.
ABSFF112 - Biblical analysis of The Anointing of the Apostle & Prophet This course in an overview is designed to teach and train the student in the role and shows using biblical examples how the apostles and prophet work together in ministry. Apostles and prophets are the foundational ministries of the church (Eph 2:20). While the foundation of the universal church was laid by Jesus, and established by his twelve apostles of the Lamb, each generation of the church age must have the foundation re-laid and confirmed in order to remain on the rock that is Christ (1st Cor 3:11).
ABSFF13 - Old Testament Survey II - This course focuses on the Prophets and Writings in the Old Testament.
ABSFF114 - Kingdom Building 1
This course focus in on What Kingdom Building is and the importunacy of such for God’s Kingdom. It looks and teaches it principles and Kingdom Builder’s characteristics.
ABSFF115 - Introduction to Church Planting
The Introduction to Church Planting course is both theological and practical. Students will explore the nature of church planting locally and the requirements. Biblical, theological, historical, and practical reasons for church planting will be considered, and some of the models being used today will be discussed.

2nd year 2nd semester
ABSFF116 - The role of the Evangelist.
This course will give you practical strategies for proclamation evangelism, with an emphasis on evangelistic preaching, and preparing your church/ministry for follow-up with new believers. It also engages in the preparation for the message in the student evangelism for local as well as world-wide. (The Bible tells us that Jesus was a “friend of sinners,” now a casual acquaintance. In today’s Christian circles’ friendship with the lost is frowned upon so now we will learn how to befriend the lost like Jesus did to reconcile them to God without compromising our integrity and conduct. Because God is love, love needs to be defined. When we define true love, we define God. This module will have you falling in love with Him all over again as you begin to discover how unconditional His love towards us is.)
ABSFF117 - The preparation of the Pastor and Teacher
Introductory course in the role of the Pastor and Teacher in the Bible. It discusses using both men and women who had responsibilities of that of a pastor and teacher in the Bible and the mandate of the Ephesians 4:11-16. It assists with the discover in identifying, developing, and deploying teaching gifts in others. This course also gives an overview of how-to disciple others and help them grow in their ability to understand and communicate scriptural truth to those within the church.
ABSAFF118—Preparation for Ministry I - This course equips the ministers with the skills needed to minister effectively. Ministers have a variety of options available to increase and improve their ministry skill set which the basics are included in this course, i.e., examples to create a mock ministry that can be applied to for any denomination.
ABSFF119 – Blueprint of Christ’s Church
This course horns in on what the blueprint of God’s design for ministry involves. According to God's blueprint, His Church must be “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.” (Eph. 2:20-21 NKJV)
ABSFF120 - Introduction to Hermeneutics
With Biblical hermeneutics being the science and art of interpreting the Bible. This course Introduction of biblical hermeneutics is designed for everyone, especially teachers, preachers, and pastors, who have a desire to gain knowledge of the Bible.
Here is what the course covers:
· Origin and definition of hermeneutics
· What is the Bible and its arrangement.
· Nature of Scripture
· Inspiration of the Bible
· Inerrancy of the Bible
· Infallibility of the Bible
· Authority of the Bible
· Definition of biblical hermeneutics
· Importance of biblical hermeneutics