Institute of the Five-Fold Ministry
Bible College
Code of Honor
Positioning, Proclaiming, & Progressing
ARIZE will work together with other leaders associated with this institute to represent itself as a faith community dedicated to common ideals, and we together will continually acknowledge the Sovereignty of the Lord, Jesus the Christ. We seek to grow and become fully prepared to do the work that shall be entrusted to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, therefore, the Found and Dean of this Five-Fold Ministry Institute along with the teachers/associate deans/ staff/and administration and students are required to sign the Coed of Honor, stating their belief in Christ as our Master, Savior, and Lord. Such action indicates that each member of the Institute along with the student is family and is willing to comply with the moral and spiritual principles of a daily walk with Jesus Christ.
It is the Bible that not only determines one's doctrinal belief, but also one's lifestyle. In an ever-changing world, the Believer has an unchanging standard, but the Word of God does not. The Code of Hone is rooted in the principles of personal integrity, common sense, reverence for God, esteem for other men and women, and respect for spiritual, natural, and social laws. In order to ensure that a high Christian standard is maintained by the Founder/Dean of this institution, teachers, administration, and students, and to encourage an environment, although online we endeavor that this Five-Fold Ministry program has spiritual and academic excellence exhibited in our teaching, training, and development of each of the five ministry functions.
These activities include the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, illegal drugs, sexual immorality, and otherworldly activities or any form of entertainment that is inconsistent with biblical principles. This includes music, which reflects the influence of either the occult or drug culture.. Those who through attitude or conduct, show their unwillingness to abide by the lifestyle set forth in this Code of Hone will be asked to meet with the Founder and the Dean of this Institution of the FIve-Fold Ministry and may be subject to dismissal from the Institute by a formed committee of representatives of this Institute.